Run your own lab.

Thinking about bringing toxicology in-house?
The toxilab system will ensure you succeed.
Request a Demo

No more send-outs!

We'll help you create and run your own, successful, in-house lab

You try your best to maximize the value of every patient encounter, and then end up giving away CPT codes to a reference lab for toxicology. Now imagine if every test was performed by your own lab. Turnaround times could be measured in hours instead of days and results seamlessly integrated with your EMR.

You and your patients deserve the best and that added revenue can help you grow your practice.

Your new lab will consistently out-perform any reference lab.

Even if your reference lab is good today, how will it be tomorrow?

Your practice depends on continuous toxicological monitoring of your patients in order to work effectively. When lab results are slow, mixed up, or inaccurate your level of care declines drastically. Can you really afford to risk so much on a service that you have no control over?

Most in-house labs pay for themselves in a matter of months.

When you consider how many lab tests you order each week, month and year – it’s staggering to think how much business you’re giving away to your reference lab. Every billable client you outsource is lost income for your practice. When you have your own in-house lab, all of the CPT codes for toxicology will belong to you.

Every lab you send out is lost income for your practice.


What we do

Toxilab’s purpose is to help you to create and run your own clinical toxicology lab. 

If you’re just starting out, we assist with planning and connect you with trusted experts and vendors.  You’ll never worry about making the wrong decisions or spending too much. 

If you already have a lab and are not happy with its performance, the toxilab system will stabilize operation so you can deliver smooth, consistent reporting and billing.

Quick & Affordable Start-Up

Toxilab takes the guesswork out of starting your own lab.

We connect you with experienced professionals who will help you build a lab that fits your needs and budget with room to grow down the road. Our trusted vendors are interested in long-term relationships and will make buying instruments and equipment affordable with great terms and financing if you need it. Best of all, our dedicated team will be with you every step along the way to help you fill out license applications and recruit your team.

You can be operational in just a few months—sometimes sooner!

Exceptional Patient Care

Great patient outcomes often depend on continuous monitoring from accurate and timely lab reports. 

Instead of being at the mercy of whatever your reference lab happens to offer, you can have the best possible test options to meet your clinical needs.  Toxilab always takes patient prescriptions into consideration when reporting results so your practitioners have better perspective and context.

Your new lab will seamlessly support your clinical work and can even connect directly to your current EMR.

Fast Turnaround Time

The toxilab system enables each member of your team to contribute an essential part of production.

Every process is broken down into simple, logical, and repeatable steps so that your lab has consistent quality. All this efficiency means that your turnaround time is incredibly fast, without sacrificing accuracy.

Continuous Enhancement

We consider our customers as co-creators and collaborators.

After all, this is your software, and you have a voice in how it evolves. We welcome your insight and input on ways to advance the technology so your job becomes even easier and you become even more successful.

Worry-Free Billing

A major reason for starting your own lab is to augment your revenue stream. 

But what good is insurance reimbursements if you are under constant threat of a surprise audit and potential claw-back?

The toxilab framework ensures that your claims are complete with all disclosures and disclaimers electronically signed. The result is pristine claims that your biller will love that are quickly adjudicated and audit-proof.

Smooth Inspections

Since your team is following already best practices and a daily checklist for every important step, your lab should have no trouble with CLIA and COLA inspections.

The standardized methods we’ve selected for you are solid performers that will make passing your CAP proficiencies a breeze.

Part of a Family of Labs

Every toxilab in our system is connected to every other sister lab in the network.

This gives us collective knowledge, support, and purchasing power for all the critical supplies we use. Our team is with you all along the way to help you learn and explore your new lab’s potential. You gain from the experience of all the other toxilab owners who are already where you want to be.

Soon, you may be giving the same helping hand to another new member of our growing family of labs.

Obsessive Support

While you are in business for yourself, it’s good to know you’re never by yourself.

You can talk to a knowledgeable person whenever you have a question. There’s no extra charge for support and our training material and documentation is readily available.

Seamless integration with your EMR

You can order lab tests and get results delivered right into your patient charts.
Unlike other laboratory software, there’s no additional charge from Toxilab for integration of your own EMR

“The second we deliver the results, that patient is ready for billing. Test results and claims go out at the same time. That’s just beautiful.”

—Silva Moradi, CEO, Nobility Health

Your path to independence!


If your CLIA inspection is delayed, clinical samples can be run as soon as the validation is completed and reviewed by your director.

Simple and clear pricing

One time costs

Request your toxilab demonstration today!

Invite your team to see toxilab for themselves. With our immersive Zoom demonstration, you’ll discover just how easy it is your own lab.

See all the features, functions, and capabilities of toxilab and get answers to all your questions!

Phone: 855.723.7626

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Welcome to your new lab!